My wife [32/F] and I [/29/M] have been married 5 years, and I am starting to resent how she and her family act towards me.

I'm not sure if you will see this as there are about 470 comments...

First, I come from a family who was middle class for 16years and at this mark - my Dad became quite successful in his field of work and has continued for 20yrs+. I have seen people change in our lives due to the income change - I have seen family members tease and get aggressive with him - its horrible. He stands against them like a statue and doens't bat an eyelash, he refuses to stoop to their level of immaturity. I've had friends change their attitude of me even, they all have said I don't act like a "rich girl".

I was also raised in the idea that a college education is key to success - so I went to college. However I learned that a college education isn't totally needed in todays world, its more experience than anything. While there are some jobs that need the college experience (doctors, nurses, teachers), that other trades don't require schooling. Apprenticeships are in now, and while I would like for our children to go to college - I'm of the idea that it isn't required for life, if that isn't your dream.

Your in-laws are deeply insecure, as they probably combined racked up some serious debt sending their kids off to expensive colleges/universities with the idea that they would be upper-middle class to high class in the future - to only find that they work in low-middle class income households. Their own insecurities (all of them, including your wife) prevent them from enjoying the happiness and successes in their own lives.

Your wife should be lifting you up as a man, support and be proud of his successes - also protect them when people challange/insult you...even if its her mom and dad. When she married you, she cleaved from her mom and dad to you but her actions don't reflect that. Don't believe their garbage, I know its hard as you've heard it for years - but every time you hear their verbal vomit, in your head understand that they are the insecure and sad ones as they can't appreicate the goodness they have and are only able to look at those with successes and spit on them, even if its their own son-in-law.

/r/relationships Thread