My wife was disappointed to learn that Frasier's world-view was not Kelsey's.

I never understand these posts. Why even bother caring that Kelsey Grammer is conservative? Virtually every celebrity is liberal, but it's the end of the world if a few old guy actors have old guy politics? Even most of the liberal celebrities who are older, are realistically way behind the times, they just don't make it obvious because they support the right candidates and whatever popular issue.

Celebrities in general have done so many terrible things, that it's pretty laughable to be upset with them for their political leanings. People talk about how great Woody Allen are or Roman Polanski, but a guy is conservative, and suddenly that's where the line is drawn. It doesn't make any sense. People are aware of this stuff, but it all gets pushed aside or virtually forgotten. "Yeah, Polanski's a jerk, but he's a really good filmmaker..." Or "Well Woody Allen actually isn't a weirdo for x, y, and a reason" But suddenly when some actor is right wing, all these people freak out and say, "Kelsey Grammer is a fascist nazi!"

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