My wife got banned for 7 hours and the pit in low prority only SD matches.

My point on Turbo to All Pick comparisons being meaningless to returning players stands, regardless of what anyone deems "the right way" to play dota is.

Kill participation are higher, lanes demand more rotations specially mid, rosh and jungles drops a ton of items directly placing map control onus as a constant, power-spikes are number crunched around key levels compounded with EXP being rained down on players mid-game, and single-fight game-loss are prevalent all over dota to an extent they have not been before. It's impossible to look at dota now and say anything, not one patch, in the Oh-oh-Ah-Ah and before it, was faster, and more directly dictated by specifically times key points in the match.

Everything has been Turbofied. All of it.

/r/DotA2 Thread Parent