My wife just admitted nonchalantly after 20 years marriage she was sexually assulted

I can't say I've ever met a woman that hasn't been sexually assaulted or had something sexually traumatic happen to her in some way. Sadly, I think for many of us, we know either no one is going to care, or believe us and so.. You just try to forget about it I guess and move on with your life. It's sad, and it shouldn't be that way, but.. That's how it's been for many. I hope that's changing for all victims, not just women.

If your wife wants counseling, she should get that, but that's going to have to be up to her. Suggest it if you want to, but be prepared for her telling you she's not interested. You shouldn't preassure her to talk about it. Tell her you're there if she wants it or needs it. I'd also suggest something that might sound weird, but I know it's done more harm than good as far as I was concerned.. But, don't make it a bigger deal than she wants it to be. Don't keep bringing it up, or treat her like she's traumatized and just don't know it, if that makes sense.. I can elaborate more if you'd like, but being treated as if I just simply couldn't make the decision about my own feelings on my trauma, and feeling like I had to talk about it for someone elses peace of mind was really frustrating, and even a bit insulting sometimes. It's great to know that someone cares, and that seeking support in that person is always an option, but feeling like it's a requirement is not so great of a feeling.

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