My wife will let the kids watch an hour of TV periodically, but if the kids and I play an hour of video games she treats me like I'm rotting their brains

He says his wife is "a super mom" and his kids are in four sports each. He won't answer about what she does in her spare time, but it's not games/tv/"social media", so I'm getting the (one-sided) feeling that she's a GOGOGO type of person that's trying to minmax production of the kids. I get the feeling that when she sees him sit down to play vidya with the kids, that's XP waste to her, because she spends all her time running and can't comprehend that you can get value from things that aren't intrinsically valuable.

I'm so thankful my wife isn't like this, my days would be endless inescapable misery. There's nothing wrong with a little downtime of TV or video games as long as it doesn't consume your entire day.

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