Myth: Sexual assault accusations ruin men's lives. Reality: Bill O'Reilly

I don't think people making any claims should be punished. The claims aren't the problem, and it only makes people less likely to be willing to come out with valid claims, giving tools to crafty lawyers to pin "false" accusations on people who were being honest.

What we need is a change in the culture of how we treat people who are accused of crimes in general. We need to have systems where records are cleared as is appropriate, to ensure people don't have a big red mark that sticks around their whole lives.

What we need for people to feel as if they are safe from someone merely saying something about them. It doesn't just help people accused, it helps everyone.

I believe that a big drive towards the skepticism towards valid claims of assault are rooted in a fear of the potential for said claims to not be real. Clearing up that fear can go a long way to reduce defensiveness and make things a much less touchy topic, allowing justice to happen more often, not less.

Punishing allegations helps few, and hurts more. Even if it clears up false allegations, it is doing so at the harm of any women with real ones, and the benefit of one group at the expense of another isn't a good goal to follow, especially given the false-real-unprovable ratios are very much in favor of the latter two.

Instead, a focus on making the system less punishing (even the guilty given I prefer rehabilitation to in general, barring cases where you are acting just to remove re-offenders, serial killers, etc, from society) and more accurate should help everyone in society, and is a far more "noble" goal to chase in my opinion.

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