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N. IRISH man writes about Adult ADHD

N. IRISH man writes about Adult ADHD

Firstly we can agree to disagree on the article. I thought it summed up the study in an informative manner. Also I didn't think it was much of a clickbait, the title really was just a one sentence summary. You can disagree with me all you want however, I don't mind.

It's a free country I suppose.

And secondly I only saw the edit in your first reply to me. You really show your ignorance about ADHD if you think these things are unrelated to the disorder.

IIRC ADHD is caused by a lack of dopamine in the brain. This means people with ADHD are, in effect, in a permanent state of mental boredom, their brains under stimulated. This is the Low-Arousal Theory. This causes the inattention and hyperactivity seen in ADHD. This is the brain trying to stimulate itself. It can also cause a novelty-seeking personality type. This is seeking out new forms of stimulation and pleasure e.g. drugs, new sexual partners, extreme sports etc.

This is also coupled with impulsivity. So instead of thinking about it and then turning down an offer of drugs, the person with ADHD is already away snorting a line in the toilet. Or say you're trying to improve your diet, you might eat a slice of cake before realising you're really not supposed to be eating this.

And to throw another spanner in the works there's also the nearsightedness in thinking which causes a low motivation. To work and improve at something over a long period of time is a struggle. Those with ADHD will only be motivated with immediate or in the near future consequences. Improving your diet to better your appearance or kicking an addiction take time and patience as the results are delayed and far off in the future. And if the results are delayed those with the disorder will lose motivation at the lack of immediate results and give up.

So what does that mean? Those with ADHD are constantly bored leading them to search for any and all forms of enjoyment, are impulsive and don't think before they act, and don't have the patience or motivation the better their behaviour. Not really good traits to have in a world full of opportunities to take drugs, cheat on your partner, eat unhealthily or drive dangerously.

Of course not everyone with the disorder will be a drug addict or a cheater. It's just that they're much more likely to do become these people.

And finally, looking back I guess this is a good example of the "hyper-focus" ADHD can cause lol.

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