N0tail on the newest Position Six episode: "You travel the world and you give up stuff. You have these teams, you have these friends. You might be friends for five, eight, ten years, and boom, next day you're not. You're just... it's over."

That's not the point. It doesn't matter if fly felt bad for leaving or was forced to leave or if Notail was being a dick and made fly leave.

But the only the fact the public has, is that this was NOT mutual. Fly and s4 literally packed up their bags and left shortly before TI without having any serious issues. This is what we know.

Even if the offer was better, which it for sure was, leaving ur team RIGHT before TI qualifiers is a dick move. It does not matter what really went down.

U worked with a team for a year, u get DPC points, and earn a spot to TI together. And right before the qualifier, u pack up and go to a better team, making all the points u earned on the other team invalid for u and that team, that's a dick move. Everyteam has kind of an obligation to play with the players they had qualified with to attend the event. That's why people are getting so angry at the kicks happening now.

I'm a die-hard liquid fan, but what they did tho to matu, is for sure a dick move. I feel like these are all very objective scenarios.

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