N95 masks for pharmacists - seeking opinions.

Pharmacy is also frontline healthcare work. Please donate those masks to his coworkers also. Many people are unable to be tested to receive a diagnosis for covid 19. They subsequently receive cough syrup via paper rx and take that Petri dish into our pharmacy. I have had people straight cough in my face not covering their mouths then when they see the look I give offer a cheap apology.

The pharmacy is a high point of transmission for this virus, because people are still acting entitled and violating social distancing. We had had a woman pass out in the pharmacy and be rushed to the ER. I have stopped hesitating to tell people to back up and get off my counter. I have children in my home I self isolate because I'm pretty sure I'm sick now. Will be contacting my own PCP as my spouse is a nurse and just had a confirmed case and went in their room no mask as they refused to provide them until osha stepped in.

Being shown every day just how expendable you are is unimaginable.

/r/pharmacy Thread