[NA] - [Gold] - [LF ADC & Support] - [Ranked 5s]

Summoner Name:OhRixe

Q. What is your playstyle in the ADC role?

A: I Prefer Aggro But I know when to not and when to play agro.

Q. Do you have ranked 5s experience?

A: Been on a lot of teams I do I shotcalled before aswell.

Q. What is your motivation to participate in a ranked 5s team?

A: I like to play the game with a team and communication and Just enjoy it more.

Q. Are you willing to accept criticism if you request assistance?

A: Yeah sure any help works with me. But I will try to defend my self If Its a personal Mistake.

Q. Why are you suited for the role rather than others?

A:I Was gold 4 99 LP Last season, I've played over 500 Games as ADC. ANd I am confident with my playing

Q. What do you offer, in terms of game knowledge and personality?

A: KNowledge, I know a lot about the game and just the common and basics of the game aswell. Personality, Im funny and chill

Q. What do you have to offer for this particular ranked 5s team?

A: I can provide Quality games and Wins boys.

Q. Are you active on League of Legends on a daily basis?

A; On everyday.

Q. Are you willing to give a secondary contact info, in the case you are offline on League of Legends?

A: Sure if you want it

Q. How well are you able to meet new people and get along with them?

A: Usually fine unless someones just a dick or bad attitude.

Q. How would you keep the team morale up from a bad set of scrims or session of ranked 5s?

A: Just tell them its okay, WE can easily learn from mistakes. ANd IF we always win we won't learn as much as losses.

Q. Do you believe that everyone can potentially reach LCS?

A: I mean yes and no. Theres only like 50 People that play in LCS> IT takes A LOT OF TIME AND DEDICATION.

Q. What is your take on the ranking system that Riot has implemented?

A: Don't mind it at all. Think its a good thing.

Q. What do you see in this specific team, as of now, in which makes you want to join?

A: Not much tbh, JUst wanna get in there play some serious games. Q. Do you think your real world experience can come into play to further help this organization grow and achieve?

A: Yea it can if you take it seriously enough.

Q. Lastly, do you swear to represent the name and it’s sponsors in a respectful and responsible manner?

A: Yes.


Curse Voice- OhRixe

/r/TeamRedditTeams Thread