[NA] 2016 Will Be a Record Year at the Box Office—So Why Is Hollywood So Bummed?

I don't think we're speaking the same language, but I tried. When u mad, brah, you don't think.

Here's a fact: SONY stock isn't SONY Pictures. Should Disney (or anyone else) choose to purchase SONY Pictures, that is what they are purchasing. The value of SONY stock has no bearing on SONY Pictures value as a division of SONY. What about that is so hard for you to comprehend. Are you neuroatypical? Not that there's anything wrong with that, but I'd just like to know if you are, because of this fascinating way you seem to process language.

You're talking about stock prices and I am talking about how SP's value - Not SONY Corp. as a whole, but SP as a division - has been tarnished due to the email scandal and general mismanagement of easy money properties in the past few years as well as in the case of Ghostbusters, a seeming inability to grow franchises from strong IP.

Here's another fact: In the top 20 films of the year, SONY has just one entry - The Mermaid - which made money only in China and who knows how much, considering they are a foreign studio. SP is not keeping pace with WB, Universal and Disney. These are facts and SONY's stock price has nothing to do with those things. As I said before, Disney would not be buying Playstation.

As I said before when SONY, I'd love to hear from you when SONY shares it's SONY Pictures P/L spreadsheet and EBITDA numbers from the past three years. Till then, stop throwing around useless stock prices and saying that you have facts.

TL;DR: Sony stock is not Sony Pictures. Sony Pictures is underperforming relative to its peers as well as has faced other troubles. My interlocutor can't understand that a speculative sale would not involve a third-party buying Sony.

/r/boxoffice Thread Parent Link - vanityfair.com