Name a champion that you just cannot seem to master so a main can comment some tips!

Hi. I'm LilRooster I play quite a bit less now that I have started my teaching job, but when I play I tend to play Azir.

I played Azir since release, currently in testing to play him as AP carry bot lane; it's going well.

Azir has all these soldiers with all these spears, so here are a few tips.

  1. A tip for farming: The Aoe on his spear is deceptively WIDE. Sure it goes further after hitting a minion, but it is more important to learn how wide it is so you can position them properly for CS. As soon as laning starts, shove against opponents with bad clear (clear the 3 caster minions in the back with W). Azir functions very well mid to late, so you want to get there if you can.

  2. Tips for laning: for those melee solo laners that generally counter you, (Zed, Yas, Fizz, Talon) you can still win the lane by denying minions. It is much harder to do, but if you can learn the laning phase that's like 70% of the learning curve for Azir. Don't harass with a Q start, try your best not to before you go back for mana regen. Instead, the most optimal harass against melee champions is W -> Auto -> Q -> Auto It is very very efficient and can win the lane for you if you pull it off even twice sometimes. Against long range mages you will have the worst struggle, but you still want that same combo. Juke hard man, juke hard. It's all in the hips. There's a common misconception that he has a weak early game. But his laning phase is really really strong if you position well, and get that mana regen first!

  3. Tips for team fighting: First, reference This Oddone Video if you have not already. Next. Notice how there are two big fights going on in team fights. On your team you can either help your adc win his fight against the enemy frontline, or you can help your tanks find and finish off the squishy carries in the enemy backline. Your reach is great, but you have to understand you have to do what you can once you are in position. If you cannot reach the enemy back line without having to dash into their team it is probably a better idea to just ult the enemy tanks into death for your adc and finish them first.

  4. Tips for your passive: There are lots of great uses to your turret, I love this passive. Let me list of a few situations where I would use my passive.

  5. When I know I can win if the enemy jungler dives my turret. This usually happens after I take enemy mid turret. I go back to buy and come back with pots, wards, and items. Then I set up a turret on enemy mid turret. I farm there and I draw jungler, I'd say about, 70% of the time. Your goal isn't to do anything but draw his attention to you. This is very important for high elo games. It's how you win lane for you side lanes without leaving your lane!

  6. Sieges. Poke with your soldiers. Then as you are leaving or if you worried about being engaged on, set up a turret. Don't be too greedy with your passive, but if you can, try to set it up the wave before a potential team fight. Also, try to hide the fact that you set the turret up. The team could look to see that it is up, but more often than not one of them doesn't notice that the turret is up, and if that person is their initiator it could spell death for their whole team :3

  7. Whenever I want. At the end of the day, it's a passive, a great one, but feel free to try other things with it. It's still a learning process for me here too.

That is all for now TL;DR Learn to farm, lane different, and survive.

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