Name a Good Camera

In the case of Monster Hunter, because it's unnecessary to have a real lock-on camera.

I was talking about Dark Souls since you said "which isn't completely the game's fault. Like I said, this is a common problem for this type of action game," then said "unfortunately, the best solution for it was discovered years ago by Capcom in the Monster Hunter series." I thought you were saying that the best solution for this entire type of game.

While playing unlocked is valid--and has an actual effect on mechanics--it doesn't fix most of the problems the camera has in the first place. That it's primarily used in 1 on 1 fights simply because the lock-on is so restrictive is kind of the issue in itself.

Why? What's wrong with unlocking when getting extremely close to very large large enemies?

It's not as if you lock on for a duel, and unlock for groups.

You've put me in a difficult position, because all I can say is "no." That is exactly what I do when I'm fighting a bunch of enemies, especially when they're small or weak since you don't need to pay much attention to them individually. It's very well suited for that situation since I can even turn 180° to hit an off-screen enemy if I need to, and there's no four direction limit for dodging, so if I need to dodge directly and precisely through a gap between two enemies, I can. It's perfect for groups.

If that were the case, if it was two methods, each for a different situation, then sure.

But that's what it is! Unlocking is so good. It's often even good for PvP since it will let you attack, shoot arrows, roll, and use magic in any direction as well as misdirect your enemies by switching between locked and unlocked modes.

But as it is, aside from the big monsters--where it shouldn't be necessary in the place--

I still don't understand why this is completely unacceptable. It would be great if there was a way to make the lock-on intelligent enough to never screw up, but the way it's currently implemented seems fine to me.

half of the uses for unlocking border on exploits.

There's dead-angling which is pretty much exclusively a PvP thing, and I can't think of anything else. Either way, why does it matter if there are some exploits available?

Borrowing Monster Hunter's tap-to-focus camera would also be good.

I still don't really understand what this is or why it's so much better than Dark Souls' hard lock on that can be switched between enemies instantly. I haven't played recent Monster Hunter games.

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