Is the name "Master" branch offensive?

I just use 'main' for new projects, not for any weird political / SJW reasons, only because it now seems to be the default on GitHub (but 'master' still seems to be the default in Visual Studio when creating a Git repo).

I keep 'master' branches for existing projects.

I use 'blacklists' and 'whitelists'.

I have never owned slaves, anyone who thinks these terms are not 'inclusive', due to connotations of slavery or racism, needs to see a psychiatrist to work through their personal issues.

I just wish I could keep US social issues / politics out of my everyday life; I've seen 'activists' creating GitHub issues and attempt to pressure people into changing the name of 'blacklists', because it's not 'inclusive'.

These people are invariable white, middle-class, left-wing, and feel they have to go around protecting the sensibilities of others, and it is incredibly patronising. Then they start arguing with others about how to replace commonly accepted language, ending up with weird concoctions that tend to obfuscate the underlying meaning.

As someone based outside the US, I just want to stay away from it all, but it seems to get everywhere.

/r/dotnet Thread