Nannies of Reddit who have worked for the extremely wealthy, what are some of the craziest parts of the job?

have been born into a rich family, and have been rich all their lives; they can become very arrogant, and are usually assholes.

My story time. So my neighbor was babysitting someone my Mom knew. He is basically the typical rich kid asshat which makes his parents buy him HIGH END gaming PC's for minecraft. So far he has (in no particular order some may not be electronics) a Macbook Air, Samsung 40 inch Smart TV for his PS4 (which he barely uses), a dog who he abuses and doesn't give a damn about, Razer blade stealth, the original Razer Blade, and a Asus ROG gaming PC that he uses to DoS anyone he doesn't like while playing a game.

To this day my mom still hates all of them since they called us Psychopaths because of an argument between money (she didn't pay my mom to pick up and drive her kid 5 miles). At the time of the argument money was tight for us. I am also betting that these people still live rich asshole lives.

TD;LR: Money really gets to some people and if you don't have as much money of them you get called a Psychopath.

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