Nanny taking advantage of family?

So I kind of clarified this in another comment, I'll do better now. By "parent issue" I mean the "how" of discipline. As a nanny, you do not get to decide what type of discipline my child gets. I acknowledged I might have read her email wrong, but I took it as her wanting to discuss the "how." If she just has a question/comment/concern/suggestion, I am 1000% all ears. I believe I took her email this way because she can be blunt and abrasive, even coming off as demanding in some ways (and on some things that's a-okay by me). And I know this which is why I'm happy to give her the benefit of the doubt and never said otherwise. Another commenter said I was getting ahead of myself trying to solve all of this before the review and I really agree with that, especially on this issue. I can't do anything more than talk to her at the review at this point. Up until this point I've never had an issue with this nanny on communicating about my children. I've always felt comfortable with them in her care and and still do, which is why I'm still employing her. That's not my issue. My issue was I asked a question about my kids and she refused to answer until the meeting.

As I have said, I have every intention of hearing her out. Thank you for your advice. -Lou

/r/Nanny Thread Parent