Narcissists remember things... differently?

This is exactly why the damage done to myself and my son by my narcissistic sociopath husband it exponential.

He has destroyed us with lies, abuse, infidelity, hunt for ego stroking yet…because he is a firefighter…aka perceived ‘hero’ he gets coddled and awww-poor-you from everyone he talks to.

In fact, he is seeking counselling and can milk money out of the First Responder PTSD system and have someone listen to him whine about his perfect little wife, perfect little family. Ohhh and he accidentally stuck a body part in another woman while married to his doting and dedicated wife.

Hes said it MANY times….I should go get me PTSD therapy for the money, lots of my friends do, why shouldn’t I. (they actually need it) For years and years he PROUDLY calls himself: an EMOTIONAL WASTELAND because nothing phases me, nothing at all. Death, meh, big deal. Etc. And now he gets paid to lie and shift blame elsewhere and come off as some hero, wounded in a battle he never saw.

And i sit here in this tsunami of pain and watch our once vibrant son fade away. Karma is the only thing I hold on to. We are floundering and he is revered.

I hope he does have a sliver of pain, even just one tiny iota. But it will never match the total blind sided annihilation of two kind, loving gentle humans.

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