Narcissists will do anything to make you think/feel that you’re not likeable nor loveable

My Nparents:

"You will always be on the autism spectrum and you will always need extra help and you will always be dependent on us" Ages 3 to 15 or so. student in special education and residential treatment entire life to this point. Only desire is to attend normal school and stop being treated like i was different all the time by every adult in the room for whatever inexplicable reason.

"You need to get a job and move out. You are what's wrong with Our marriage." ages 16 to 18 or so. Special ed dropout. Back and forth between living in my sisters college apt when i can get away with it and home. Volunteer at local restaurant kitchen and library

"You need to take more hours at work and take more loans at school and stop depending on us to make ends meet every other month" ages 18 to 21 or so. Self enrolled charter school grad living alone on sec 8 subsidy and enrolled at local community college and working 30 hrs per week in restaurants for minimum wage and tips

"You need to get a real job." ages 22-24. working fulltime+overtime in restaurants and hotels on day or night shift to get the bills paid and college is "on hold" due to i can't keep up with it and bills at the same time anymore.

"Why do you seem distant and angry all the time?" ages 24-26 working overtime in metal shops as general labor to pay the bills. Haven't gotten back to college yet to finish my degree. She paid my step dads tuition in full for a 4 year degree that he attended instead of working or contributing to the household in any way.

10 years of working my way through a trade towards making solid wages with good enough benefits and hours to reasonably justify going back to school and ive lost all credit ive once gained after my states 7 year expiration deadline on class credits zipped by god knows how long ago. I simply haven't the energy or ambition anymore. I've been sufficiently mitigated. This enough for me, and i don't need more.

/r/raisedbynarcissists Thread