Narcotic sfx after dose change

I was prescribed Percocet for around 6 months and for me at least, after the first week I adjusted very fast. It still always gave me that slight warmth and happiness as it “kicked in” (usually 30-45mins after taking it). But the feeling loopy/dizzy/not in control didn’t stay the entire time. It is worth noting though that wherever I could help it I would stretch my doses so instead of q4h I would try to reach q5h, this was a personal preference and I don’t recommend going against your prescribed orders. I just found that the neurological side effects lessened when there was more time between doses.

Good luck, I found Percocet to be the best pain medication for me (I have tried 4 others) and this one was a good balance of proper pain relief without feeling “out of it”.

Good luck man, migraines are a bitch and I hope they go away soon!!

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