The National Anthem

On the one hand they have a right to do it. On the other hand, I think they're a bit like those people who change their profile picture on Facebook to the Tricolor after Charlie Hebdo and act like they're helping or standing up in solidarity.

I don't care if they want to advance a point or a cause, but if you're gonna do it and say you're helping, then put your money where your mouth is.

Because at the end of the day, what have they actually done? Nothing except make it a pointless topic of conversation. Yeah, I get the point of "starting the conversation" but what's the conversation about if the initial points of guys like Kaepernick are so vague that they don't mean anything? You want to fight inequality in America? Cool, what inequality exactly? The shitty inner-city schools? The unfavorable punishment between races on nonviolent drug busts? You have to actually point to something if you want to help.

So in the end I'm annoyed and I don't really care because it's people who want to advocate a cause but the they're too lazy to actually follow through and get it over specifics or point to research, data, statistics or evidence of a problem and how they want to see it addressed.

It's just pointless because it wastes everyone's time when it's with such vague and general statements that it doesn't do anything. It doesn't address any problems so nothing gets done and then it just pisses people off who don't care for the disrespect shown to our national symbols, even though they're just symbols.

tl;dr? If they're gonna push for a cause, I'd them to be more specific, other they're just wasting everyone's time.

/r/buffalobills Thread