
Good current example for Americans - the film American Sniper. You'll have SOME US veterans defending the director, the film, and the character portrayed / subject matter defended to the death that everything was done to defend his country, and they haven't even seen the film. You'll then have SOME US vets pointing out the absolute horror show of ego the subject is about and the controversy about several claims of outright lies the subject allegedly told. If the dialogue in the film that paints anyone other than a US GI as a savage, the unnecessary head shots and high gore detail are questioned - suddenly nationalism talking points drop. No direct response to criticisms - just lumped in trumped up nationalism. Pride in horrible things as accomplishments. All from people who have powers of deduction, logic, and have matured in many ways to understand nuance. But that nationalism blinds them. Amazing defense mechanisms of the ego get brought forth via nationalism. The funny part is - take a sample group; why is it some members of the same community in same enviro, outlook, culture - choose NOT to sign up for war, choose NOT to blindly follow the flag wave and look at supposed reasons for invasion forces, and choose not to assume there is a clear cut wise exit strategy. But fuck that and fuck you for thinking it - Nationalism and Group Think Ego Pride - will shut that down for you quick. And because it's Nationalism - it's never going away. You can't bring up the sins of nation in the past - the Proud Peasants will associate any previous war with a current or future one. Fighting for Our Freedom. Yeah - freedom to be raped by petrolium executives and bankers using bait/switch turn-them-against-each-other tactics as old as time. So there's Nationalism - and there's education. Character. Wisdom. Maturity. Intelligence. After awhile we can stop calling it Nationalism and just call it what it is: Fucking stupid. A fear based survival mechanism of inclusion for safety that in the end is the most unsafe - creating enemies where there was once a mildly annoying neighbor.

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