Nationalize the internet

The system is flawed because politicians rely on it not working (in the US anyway). It gives them a sense of purpose, something to fix, and then (easily attainable) results to show off and boast about come election time. Like fucking clockwork.

Fixing the system (by both definitions of the word) is easy, some things work, some don't, and it has become a fucking art to mislead people, make straightforward principles/government policies/entites convoluted, inefficient and hard to even grasp. The names of the pieces of legislation say the opposite they mean, the agencies' names are vague, their mission changes as administrations change, etc.

It's just a fucking mess.

If you design something to fail, it usually does, but you don't have to design it this way. Other countries have absolutely no problems with this, or in a very small proportion in comparison. If the European Union is able to make it work with so many different countries, backgrounds, languages, priorities and local laws/constitutions, the very widespread idea that the US is some kind of unique, unfixable beast is absolutely preposterous, it's just another way the US likes to stroke its own ego. And to non-Americans, it is literally a running joke about you guys. You're humans, your constitution is absolutely average, and you could fix most of your biggest problems in a matter of less than a decade by simply copying existing policies from places that have applied it and that have seen them work flawlessly.

As for collective ownership, it's pretty simple, everyone is a shareholder, simple as that. Either everyone owns everything, or you own a share of your own place of work, something along these lines. Doesn't have to be strict, it can change over time, etc. If it's for the whole country, think of it as a direct GDP per capita, but actually distributed equally instead of being an exponential distribution.

A pretty good way of seeing if an opinion/a bias/an idea is if you can dismiss it/criticize it/say it's the absolute best, better be able to explain why and how in less than 2 minutes.

If you say "socialism is bad", I'll have to get extremely verifiable facts to back that up, not just some propaganda tidbit you heard on a late night show.

Also, it's 100% acceptable to say you have no opinion, you don't have to agree or disagree with someone, which most people tend to do to bolster their identity or something.

All in all, it breaks down to your core values. If you think every single child should have an shot at being healthy/having an education, there's no way in hell you could be against socialism and in favour of capitalism, unless you don't know what they entail. 1000 years ago, you could've have this debate and wondered about the facts, but in today's world, you can see the results of both, and they are clear.

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