Natives of Seattle, how have things changed over the years?

Feels sterilized/commercialized. the city, its neighborhoods, its people.

Too many large buildings make me feel a little claustrophobic; every sidewalk is shaded and chilly. Less views: used to be such a pretty city; can no longer see the lake and east seattle from aurora between north seattle and DT; new apartment at north side of waterfront blocking view of puget sound from the viaduct. Too shady, literally uninviting.

Feels sterilized, the neighborhoods and its people. No middle class it seems. Less older folks, too hectic for them if they are still here. Less diversity and resulting blandness in culture, food, etc.. Minorities and old folks just don't belong here anymore it feels like.

I miss the quiet industrial areas that werent filled to the brim with homeless. (SLU now sterilized, SODO now homeless concentrated, north ballard becoming sterilized, alaska junction in west seattle sterilized)

Lines/congestion, in traffic or at the store, finding a seat at movie theater. (sterilized and concentrated) Parking lots full at parks like greenlake. Used to park there and eat lunch and smoke a joint. now it's literally full (0 spots, yet 2-3 cars sitting in the middle waiting for a spot lol) at 10am on a cloudy monday. Parking is a bitch, e.g. 2 hour limits every fucking where around UW for a mile or so radius. same for dt ballard, SLU, seattle center, etc.. I used to be able to find free parking a few blocks away for bite of seattle. used to be able to go to my 3 classes if I could make the right class schedule (3 classes within 3-4 hours for the old 4hr maxes).

All the cheap restaurants are disappearing: spaghetti factory, aztecas (the one at golden gardens is now a single home mansion), replaced by 'upscale' mixed use apartment complexes or offices, or new fusion or health conscious restaurants (sterilized)

Homeless counts gone up Rent doubled

/r/Seattle Thread