hi im garthspencer- fbi agent i require you to send me a prosecuted 100 dollars or i forward your email to owen cook. Delete all links in 12 hours You're trying to make money from Real Social Dynamic's work.

We have your IP address, home address, paypal information, bank information, name, email address, Facebook, and other evidences. Under the Criminal Code of United States Of America , Section cc. 380.(1), you are implicated of an indictable offense that is punishable by a term of imprisonment up to 5 years and $250000 per offense.

Illegal activity:

You have 12 hours to delete all posts, infringing content that you have uploaded. We will call the police referencing your emails to initiate investigations AND contact the Intellectual Property (IP) Program of the Financial Institution Fraud Unit of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Inline image 3 Two main FBI divisions investigate intellectual property crimes: Cyber Division -Investigates intellectual property crimes involving all digital and electronic works (including Internet, CDs, DVDs, etc) Financial Institution Fraud Unit -All other intellectual property crimes.

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