Nazi Concentration Camp Footage Colourised. The original footage was shown at the Nuremberg Trails where senior Nazis such as Hermann Göring, Albert Speer, and Rudolf Hess were made to watch it as evidence of crimes the Nazis committed. WARNING VIEWER DISCRETION ADVISED

Palestine has been existing for many generations

It's never been a country. I'm not denying it's a nationality but it's never been an independent country. Do you know the history behind the name?

When has the US in history has every made a move that doesn’t benefit them?


And the US being the US support it because they saw this as an opportunity to build there bases there and spy on neighboring countries and collect info

You are aware the USA didn't support Israel until the late seventies right?

Not Arab supremacy but because of the result of the the UN declaring Israel

Of course. Arabs are never responsible for their own decisions. Must have been the UN or the Jews fault right?

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