nazi supporter insults IQ

It’s complicated when a war is heavily ideological in nature. Veteran recognition is always somewhat political and/or nationalistic in nature. There’s this unspokenthing where it’s not just the fact that they went to war, but they went to war for something worth fighting for. Notice that almost any time veterans are referred to in the US, at least some part of the US’s ideological framework is referenced too (freedom, democracy etc). It’s not really about the individuals and their reasons and beliefs but about their place in a national narrative.

When the chapter of that narrative you contributef to is shameful and embarassing to your country, you kinda lose the real reason why you honor veterans: to glorify and enshrine that narrative. Pretty much everyone(that isn’t a neo-nazi or an edgelord) would rather not glorify any element of that chapter, to avoid giving that depised and largely defeated ideology any credit.

Americans can often feel like their veteran worship is the natural state of things, when in reality it is about as political as anything else. While therems certainly reverence and respect in other part of the world, honoring veterans only happens if it can be reconciled with current national identity and ideology, which is not the case for axis veterans.

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