Nearby high school was put on full lockdown. This man passed out tacos (from his restaurant) to stressed out parents who were waiting across the street.

Promo. you didn't love .

You could have just been loving. You could have loved me. Why didn't you tell me in person. The reason . And did this with integrity to me? Instead of flaking, ghosting, and using me or treating me so badly.

You could have loved me. All the way through. You could have been better to me as a human being.

If you loved me you wouldn't have cut me off. You wouldn't have disappeared when I was sick. You wouldn't have went to Eva or Michelle.

You would have cared enough to work on your relation to me.

You didn't do any of this.

You didn't care for any of this.

You didn't put in the time or work for any of this.

You just shat on the relation and on me.

By treating me like crap. And being your worst fucking self.

Instead of being a friend.

If you didn't care. You should have met me in person. And told me clearly that you didn't love me. And you had no intention of loving me.

You should have met me. And just explained clearly. That you weren't going to love me anymore. Instead of hurting me all that time.

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