Nearly 1,800 families separated at US-Mexico border in 17 months

Well, for me, it's not so much the ideas that you are trying to communicate that leads me to suspect there might be an angry form of racism festering within you...

I mean after all, in your defense, you do indeed raise a decent point about whether or not parents should be taking their children on these dangerous and harrowing journeys.

So I didn't downvote you or anything like that!

In fact your point really actually got me thinking:

That's not an easy decision for any parent to make... and I wonder what conditions are like back home that would drive them to put their kids through this?

I also wonder... what if I was in their place?

What if you were in their place?

Both of us having been born there...

What decision would you make in regards to your children's future?

I don't think there's an easy answer...

SO YA...

I'm glad you brought up the point.

And it's definitely not your ideas that lead me to think "racism".

Rather... instead... well...

to be honest... it's the way you express your ideas, with quite a lot of pent up anger I must say! (At least it seems that way.)

My suspicions about your motives is also all about the stylistic tone of your word choices (especially your word choices and colorful adjectives) in regard to the idea you're trying to express.

So yes... I hate to this... especially since you've raised an interesting thoughtful point, but your inner anger and tone, and the way you express that point...

But... your tone and words really (really) do seem to fit an almost cliche-like expression pattern of someone with that kind of harsh racist mentality!

I'm come on... step back... take a deep breath... and look at your word choices above?

Look at them as objectively as you can.

You must see that's quite a tone!? So can you really blame some of us for wondering, "Is this guy a frickin' racist, or what!?"

BUT... admittedly...

perhaps I'm wrong about you?

Maybe I'm misjudging the tone of your comment above?

Afterall... it can sometimes be difficult to discern tone over the Internet.

If I'm wrong, and misreading your tone, I'm sure a lot of people here will chime in, and tell me that they didn't sense that in your tone at all.

In which case, I'll certainly have to apologize to you for having doubts about whether or not you might have some racism festering within.

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