Nearly 200,000 people have signed a petition to have Logan Paul kicked off YouTube after controversy over his filming of a dead body in Japan's 'Suicide Forest'

I get where you are coming from, but my opinion is based on his collective behaviors when in Japan.

I totally understand the mindset you would have about his reaction in this one singular video, but especially as a Japanese citizen observing the overall attitude he expresses in his other vlogs, I can't really agree with it.

I also find it glaringly offensive because he has a fundamental lack of respect for Japanese religious practices regarding death.

The reason I link the youtube reactions is to give you an idea as to why a lot of Japanese people aren't as understanding or forgiving. The entire shared mentality of the Japanese people is privacy. Privacy in life AND in death.

It is extremely inappropriate to post images of the dead online in Japan. It happens, yes, you can't control everyone. However, it is considered to be indecent.

I grew up with the tradition that human spirits remain on earth for a certain amount of days, and holding onto images of their corpse may prevent them from passing on. It's a sentiment a lot of people in Japan hold. So I worry that by filming this man, he has not only infringed upon his basic rights to privacy but possibly his religious beliefs. We don't know.

By filming this man he has rendered this person as a prop to his video. A man who has suffered enough in life to have decided to end everything. We will never know his true thoughts on anything, not only because he is dead, but because he has been rendered a faceless prop in some entitled brat's video.

This is why Logan Paul's "stress" and "reaction" doesn't really matter to me.

He has spent enough time degrading and objectifying culture for his benefit. I have no real sympathy for him.

You are basing his racism on your own opinion and experiences. I'm basing it on mine. Maybe next time, actually watch the sources I provided in my argument instead of determining it to be to low for you.

The people in the video shared sentiments I 100% with and a lot of other Japanese people (family and friends) have agreed with.

Also, I have no idea if you have any knowledge of Aokigahara Jukai or anything, but yes it IS a restricted area. It is by NO means a tourist friendly area. If you go there, there are literally signs that say "restricted area, do not enter". Of course, my opinion is untrustworthy to you since it is only based on my experience of going to Mt. Fuji.

His reaction to the suicide is not ok in the slightest. Not as in, it is not ok to react to a bad situation with laughter, but in the sense that he posted the video online.

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