Nearly half of Canadians miss high school literacy grade — and that's bad for economy

I did. My point was that this test is ridiculously easy, not the kind of test with any sort of challenge. You have to actually be illiterate in english to fail, not just slow or stupid. the article says it's not like riding a bike, in that you need practice to retain your reading skills (which is true, to an extent), but this test is so ridiculously easy, anybody who can read a stop sign should be able to at least pass. To get by in the typical Canadian community, you must speak English, but this is not a necessity everywhere. One of my friends parents lived pretty much their whole lives in Toronto's Chinatown without ever learning English, as nearly the entire community speaks and operates in Mandarin. There are plenty of people who are quite smart and get by in life just fine, while still being illiterate in English. This test at my school pretty much served as a barrier to the ESL students who were managing to get by in school without actually picking up the language. They generally don't plan on staying in Canada, so learning the language is a pointless endeavour if they can still get a degree somehow.

So, it's not that Canadians are extra dumb exactly (though, as I mentioned, there certainly are exceptions), but rather that English literacy isn't a requirement for everybody. The article claiming that native speaking English/French Canadians are losing their English/French literacy to that degree honestly seems pretty absurd, unless you've spend the last decade working in a lead refinery, with complete isolation from any sizable length of text. People still do plenty of reading outside of school, like you right now if you've bothered to read to the end of this pointless wall of text.

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