Nearly half of millennials say college wasn't worth student-loan debt

I can tell everyone that this is straight BS. "Learn to code" has become a joke.

I completed a B.S. in poli sci and business. Later went on and ACTUALLY LEARNED TO CODE. (i.e. I have developed software independently on my own that has actual users.) I also went to community college and earned an AAS degree in computer programming (4.0 graduation GPA) to validate this skillset on paper.

NO ONE GIVES A DAMN. Countless job applications later - not even ONE interview.

Was it worth it to learn personally? Hell yes. I can make my own apps just my own use to do exactly what I want done, and I've done this to automate work at my job. (Current employer does not give a damn I automated the workload and turned 100's of hours of work into seconds annually).

Other than that? The "OMG employers need STEM and especially coders!" is WAY overrated. Honestly, my experience leads me to believe it is straight propaganda to make people who can't find jobs feel bad about not having a skillset and have false hope learning to code will save them.

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