Neckbeard is a slur now according to the hot shitpile that's Everyday Feminism

A. You forgot the sanity sunday tag. Surely you don't think this is anyway incorrect or unreasonable? You might think of it as hypocrtical but this isn't the feminists who made neckbeard a slur changing their mind, this is feminists calling out "their own" for shitty behavior. B. "With thanks to Ozy." Ozy is certainly a social justice type and a feminist. She's a social justice type and a feminist who is a big fan of reasonable debate, nuance, data, etc. This is what it looks like when she argues with men's rights types: Her anti-feminist, triggered-by feminist boyfriend writes things like this: And this: And somehow this doesn't seem to lead to any domestic conflict.

She used to have a tumblr but took it down because , as far as I can tell, Tumblr's less reasonable elements got mad at her for being reasonable:

I dunno about Becky, but is this comic and this sort of person really the sort we want to be making fun of here?

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