You need to know

I did sales for 6 years. Sometimes I'd be top 5 in my district, other times I'd be in the middle of the pack. Sometimes I'd be dead last in my store.

Anyway, I've seen plenty of people come and go where I used to work. I'd see all the shit they'd slam customers with to meet quota. Insurance they never asked for, accessories they bought because of half-truths, and just straight up pressuring people to buy, just to squeeze another $20-$30 out of them and to meet quota.

A friend of mine who was the top performer at their store, top performer of the company, was recently singled out and fired for using a promotion to their advantage. Everyone does it though, but they singled him out and used him as an example to warn other people who were doing the same thing.

But if people need to exploit the system just to meet quota, there is definitely something fucked up going on.

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