Need advice about my best friend

 Nah nah don't like bring up your feelings if you are truly unsure... Cause she could have another option or two and she will naturally gravitate toward the ones not putting her on the spot..... And unfortunately it dont really matter y'all talked a little dirty, that's just what people do, and us humans will entertain any freaky shit we heear

But there us hope yet to a tleast know where you stand... You ARE NOT going to talk about your feelings... If you're gonna hangout with her, you gona have to man up and go for an organic Kiss my dude.. Set up a fun evening with her... Don't be a weirdo. Wait. And wait some more... A well timed kiss after a few hours of enjoying eachother's time, can make a muffaka feel butterflies in they stomach... then if she curves you, let it go, shut your mouth be proud you tried.... then just accept it g. Be her friend not her lover... And if you cant deal with being her friend then don't. You just gonna hurt yourself more watching her with someone else

 Moral of the story bro... You wanna if I. Girl likes you? Then do something about it... Don't talk about feelings bro, honestly never let these ladies know you like them until You feel her love.....

That's my 2 cents plus like 14 more quarters cu? I'm geeked up

/r/dating Thread