Need advice on giving away ~$4 million to anyone

Well damn my 50yo mum has struggled all her life to raise our family single handedly. When my dad left, he left her with thousands and thousands of pounds worth of debt. Hasn't ever been abroad or on vacation. She's never "treated herself" she still won't. The birthday money she gets as a gift is always spent on bills. She only has one skirt that she wears and washes every single day. Just so that my brothers get taken care of. She works 60+ hours a week and is now struggling because she doesn't have the money to remortgage her house, and we have to find the money to move somewhere else. Soooo if you're looking to help someone... fuck. Hahah

In all seriousness though, I think the treasure idea sounds really fun.

Maybe go onto gofundme and look at some causes there? There aren't just health related ones. You might find some that really stand out to you. Or if there's a particular career field you're really passionate about, science, history, whatever.. maybe fund some education for children who can't afford university or college? I think that's what I'd do if I were in your shoes. I'd fund education for children from families with little to no money. They could end up doing something huge, but don't have the funds to follow that career :)

/r/Advice Thread