Need advice on talking to a DM about impossible fights

Now, you want solid advice? None of the stuff these jokers have been saying will help you. No, you need to take real action. A character death due to bad dming is UNACCEPTABLE. You and the melee who died should not let this go. I vote you take true action. Now, you guys need to all wait until next session for this. In the time between you reading THIS EXACT COMMENT and next session, you need to be getting large. Lift weights, drink protein shakes. Become a tough guy. The guy who played the melee wont have to worry, because if he's playing a melee character I'd assume he's strong in real life.

So, next session comes. You're now a strong guy, and the melee is already tough. You are sitting at the table. You need to be silent. When the dm asks the melee player who his new characters is, he is to pull out a character sheet. Here is where you get creative.

The first time I did this, I left the attributes blank, and wrote "Fuck You" as the character name. The SECOND time however, I drew middle fingers in the attributes boxes and made my items all be "Fists of punching".

He will read your sheet full of derogatory terms or threats, and most likely laugh, or be nervous depending on what you write. It doesn't matter. At this point, you will rise from your seat. With your non dominant hand, grab his shirt. Drag him over the table towards you. With your dominant hand, begin punching him in the face. Square in it. Right in the nose.

While your dragging him and punching him, knocking all the minis he paid for off the table, the melee character will swan dive off his chair, straight into his back. If the table breaks, your weaker party members will be able to grab shards of it and impale him with them. Leave him in a crumpled heap, and leave his house.

If its another players house, chuck him off the front porch into the cement.

The next session, speak nothing of it. This has worked twice with me now. After you have done this, he will respect you. Good Luck!

/r/DnD Thread