[Need Advice] I skip steps and can't break things down into smaller pieces. How can I get organized?

If you didn’t test positive for ADD, check out some of the research on sensory processing— it’s super common with Asperger’s. I was diagnosed with ADD, but my therapist thinks the sensory processing issues are what cause my inattention. There’s a lot of overlap between giftedness, ADD, sensory/information processing, and Asperger’s!

I don’t have access to my university’s library anymore (womp womp), but articles like this seem to be right on the money: http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1362361309103794

I’ve had some success with isolating myself from stimuli for a few minutes to sort of “clear out my head” when I’m struggling to complete a task, but it’s not foolproof. I’m still trying to figure out how to feel less overstimulated...

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