[Need Advice] What's stopping me all the time?

I am 25 too, I learned to program starting in my early 20s, I grew up with depression and mental health issues, toxic stress syndrome, and I can go on and on about the misfortunes in my life being born in a 3rd world country full of crazy religious fanatics and 0 CS jobs. The only advice I can give you if you are like I was, not able to afford professional help, is to wake up pissed off every single day, angry about your life (but don't be harsh to yourself as a person, be aware of how your situation sucks and you can change it, be an arrogant asshole who's pissed of at his situation atm and know for sure you can change it, and only you can change it), the way you do it is to not distract yourself in the early hours of the day by the internet or your phone and you'll find yourself wrestling all the bad thoughts that hunt you at night, and knowing you are still young and can do wonders in 1 ... 2 years of time. If you don't wake up angry at your situation, caring about only one single person in this existence which is you, knowing that literally, no one will spend a minute of their time thinking that Prodigy756 is lost in life and have mental health issues, let me volunteer to help him, that anger and sense of reality will eventually get you disciplined and drive you, also what helped me is I quit social media at the time, I only had one Instagram account where I talk to some women to keep my dating life intact, I never post stories or anything on it except a humble gallery of myself, I just used Instagram as a messaging app, never scrolled to see what people are eating or their pets. Too much input is bad for mental health, and comparison is the thief of joy. One more important thing, fuck that self-improvement bullshit, it will get you lost, you need to improve one thing now, learn to program, or just make yourself comfortable with discomfort, become able to push through mental resistance when you wanna do the things that you think matter for you, know for sure it will be a very hard and demanding task, go to war with this idea and you'll find peace.

PS: Working out is necessary, if you have daily anxiety and you don't work out at all, 0 cardio exercises, you are allowing the anxiety. Good luck!

/r/getdisciplined Thread