I need an honest opinion if im at risk of dying or serious health problems with oxycodone use

Why the fuck are you smiley face go coding rah rah cheerleading a dude well on his way to major complications from a strong easily identifiable opiate addiction, are you a junkie too? Is your narcissism so bad you think you're good looking, can ignore Google results for oxy addiction, and not fucking up your liver and kidneys on a path to needing more since it's all secret and supposedly insuring getting laid?

Yeah OP you're at massive risk for multitudes of health and psychological major problems most of all your upcoming noticing they don't work and your ego and denial whispering some booze or more could fill the gap the tolerance is making but since you're Route of Administration is insta blast snorting, you'll be taking on more and more risk with many excuses as to why its okay. Better not trip and fall high with a bad back, the creative quick various ways this could all go to shit are countless.

Start being honest and quit looking for Reddit teens to condone your addiction to the most powerful narcotic destroying lives for decades now, well documented.

Quit bullshitting yourself and start somewhere else other than subs and places addicts love to congregate.

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