I need to change my self image. Any good resources.

The best way to rewire your brain is to do it yourself.

To feel worthy, be worthy. Hold yourself to a higher standard. If you live in a messy room clean it up. Take care of yourself. You will have greater respect for yourself, and greater self-esteem.

Realise that everyone talks shit. No one is better than anyone else and people's opinions are just that.

People's opinions are rarely truth but rather a reflection of what they're dealing with themselves.

When a person is feeling insecure about how they look they will often pick out other peoples flaws because that's what they are focussed on, on the inside (on themselves) and outside (on others).

Next time you're speaking with something really listen to the words they are using and what they are saying and even though normally you would agree with them or even think they are smart, what you will notice is they are a lot of the time talking shit, but just in a confident enthusiastic tone which convinces you what they are saying is right.

Some other things I will mention is, get perspective and read. Many of our problems can be put into perspective when we read about other people's challenges. Or we can even feel motivated and inspired knowing someone has dealt with the same things we are dealing with and they have overcome it.

Meditate. Many people sook about meditation or have some bullshit excuse. Here is how to do it really simple. Put a timer on for 20 mins. Sit down. Say "I'm not moving until that alarm goes off." Allow thoughts to come and go just don't follow them meaning, when a thought enters your mind, don't freak out or resist it. Notice it but don't add to it or think about it. This will teach you to stop identifying with your thoughts. I won't go into the benefits of meditation, you can Google it if you like.

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