Need feedback on, broken boundaries, partners relationship speed, and sleepovers

What the fuck did I just read!?

This guy cheated, then lied about it. He lied because he knew he cheated and then you blame OP, for him lying!? Are you kidding me?!

How is “wear a condom” and “get an STD test” unreasonable.

Why are you blaming OP for his time management? It takes 2 to tango and it looks like they agreed on that time together.

Some people on this aid have way stricter rules then “wear a condom”. I’ve read rules like - only sex -no emotion- only 1 date every other week- no sleep overs ever - only sleep with a person once then move on .

So you don’t let your partner have an idea of you dates. You don’t tell your partner “heading to this bar, probably will be back late” or “hey we’re just doing a lunch date, I’ll be back round 3”. That’s just polite, and respectful of ur parents time.

Fuck , I give time frames when it’s just me meeting a friend or my family. “My mom and i are going shopping, we’ll probably grab dinner and Ill probably be back round 7”. It’s not “controlling” to have respect for people’s time.

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