Why we need feminism

Except one of them is only a problem if you think there's something inherently wrong with poor people.

You're pretty adorably full of shit.

Ask them, not me.


54% (of respondents) had experienced some form of workplace sexual harassment. 79% of the victims are women; 21% were men.

The highest levels of harassment were in these industries (in no particular order):

Business, trade, banking and finance
Sales and marketing
Civil Service
Education, lecturing and teaching


Here's an older study, from 2000, with interesting results. But let's see if we can't find something a little more recent.

From 2006:

62% of female college students report having been sexually harassed at their university, with 80% of the reported harassment being peer-to-peer. 51% of male college students admit to sexually harassing someone in college, with 22% admitting to harassing someone often or occasionally. source

But, of course we can't acknowledge that 52% of men admitted harassing someone at school. That doesn't fit the victim blaming narrative bullshit, does it?

73% of women (internal medicine residents in a university training program) reported that they had been sexually harassed at least once during their training.

Between 20% and 25% of women will experience a completed and/or attempted rape during their college career.

Of course, we all know that harassment in schools and the workplace is bullshit.

/r/Unexpected Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com