Do you NEED gender dysphoria/euphoria to be transgender and to transition?

The fact you're terrified of not being allowed to transition speaks volumes. Are you positive you're not experiencing any dysphoric feelings?

That said, let's go through this thing line by line (at least what I can see from the source, the blog is broken for me :/ ).

Here it is, to the best of my knowledge, from reading the blogs of trans truscum for a year. If you're truscum, feel free to add if I missed anything.

Right off the bat, this is a truscum blog. Truscum are also known as transmedicalists, and follow a rather clinical, black-and-white definition of what "qualifies" someone as being trans, and as such can be fairly exclusionary of people that don't fit the stereotypical trans narriative of always knowing, etc

As someone that's currently quietly terrified of being told I'm a cisgendered man when I get my psych appointment, fuck everything to do with that noise.

Claiming to be trans when someone has no dysphoria is often the result of someone disliking their gender role. Instead of working to make gender roles less restrictive, or embracing being a masculine woman/feminine man, people decide they must be some other gender. This only serves to draw a thicker, deeper line between the genders, a sort of you must be this femme to ride for womanhood and the reverse for manhood.

This seems to rely on a couple of assumptions about the internalised sexism of people that don't match truscum criteria, and also seems to imply that simply being a masculine woman or feminine man is the solution to the problem. I can only speak for my own experiences, but the moment I allowed myself to explicitly identify as a someone that didn't care for gender roles/"I can be as girly as I want", it opened a floodgate of internal questioning, leading to lying awake in bed while crying to myself and being absolutely TERRIFIED about all kinds of internal doubts about who I am. That was back in August/September and I still get days with similar thoughts.

So no, the solution isn't just "wah, let's just let people that aren't sure be all 'who needs gender anyway'"

Not identifying strongly with a gender is part of cis privilege. Think of it this way: how annoying is it when white people say "oh, well, I've renounced my whiteness" or "I just don't see color" or "I just don't feel white. That's them experiencing privilege and mistaking it for progressiveness. Same thing here.

There's two parts to this one. The first is effectively a bastardisation of the null hypothecis, which simply put states that cis folk don't think all that much about how they experience gender. The fact that you're confused, questioning and obviously distressed makes it highly likely that you are indeed trans.

The second part is kind of reminicent of that "transracial" woman Rachel Dolezal, and this point is every bit as invalid as why her being transracial is a load of crap. Also (I may be stretching the argument a bit here), saying "I don't see color" as a counterpart to "I don't see gender" is ridiculously gender essentialist and TERF-y

Transitioning when someone has no dysphoria will give that person dysphoria and make them miserable. I, personally, do not in the slightest understand why someone would want to masculinize/feminize their body if they are comfortable in it, because it will definitely make them uncomfortable.

Someone that's cisgendered that goes on HRT will experience dysphoria. However, as far as I'm aware the regret rate for HRT among self-identified transfolk is ridiculously. I don't know the actual figures, but it's something to look up (also, while there are some effects that are permanent, a lot of the stuff that HRT does is reversible) so I'm not sure what their point is, (unless they're saying it's a big decision and to be aware of all the consequences first which is just obvious and common sense)

Not everyone can identify as everything. An able bodied person cannot identify as disabled. Someone without mental illness cannot identify as mentally ill. Someone without the one and only symptom of being trans- gender dysphoria- cannot identify as trans. Some labels are closed labels for certain groups, and that is okay.

See comments about truscum, otherwise this is kind of stating the obvious and is also super puzzling given the race/gender comparison above.

It’s damaging the trans movement. This one really doesn’t need much explanation. If you want an explanation that is in depth, I recommend talking to a trans truscum.

This really seems like respectability politics at its worst. If your narrative doesn't fit theirs, then you should be silenced "for the good of the movement", even as that movement excludes its a whole bunch of people. Fuck everything about this.

It’s childish. A lot of the people who I see claiming genderqueer/sproutself are in many ways advantaged. Maybe they are white, middle class, able bodied, neurotypical, someone of the above, all of the above. And they are young. Very, very young. 13-16 young. The age when people decide they need to be special and different in order to matter. That’s a normal part of growing up- the Japanese even have a word for it- but using a medical condition(s) as a place to do that just isn’t okay. In short, it’s “I’m not special enough, but I sometimes wear pants and wear my hair short, I’m genderqueer, now I’m different!”

Holy hell where do I even begin.

First off, non-binary erasure is awful and the author is an asshole for doing so.

Second, the point about race/class/etc kind of feels like they're trying to play oppression olympics. That said, being a disabled trans woman of colour from a low socioeconomic background would suck in literally every conceivable way, and the barriers to being out would be significantly higher for them than they would be for someone in the author's identified majority NB group (also I kind of wonder how much of the author's NB majority group thing ties into the majority group for Tumblr - i.e. is there sample bias happening here? I can't actually see the blog so can't make any further comment)

Finally, there's two things here in terms of the youth thing.

  1. The language around nonbinary stuff is relatively new and seems to have increased in use as our cultural subscription to the gender binary begins to break down. It only makes sense that kids would be the heralds of changes in the way we use language to describe gender, because that's how language evolves.

  2. Puberty is a time where people question literally everything and if that includes gender, I honestly don't see how that's a bad thing, and really just seems reflective of the whole evolving cultural understanding of gender from point 1. Either they're nonbinary and once they reach adulthood they're well equipped in understanding who they are, or they're just confused like literally every teenager about literally everything else, and they'll eventually realise that they're cis and move on with their lives and it'll just be chalked up as another experience in thir blunder years. And seriously, who gives a fuck what teenagers are doing? Teenagers experimenting with gender identity is as dangerous to the trans movement as teenagers experimenting with sexuality is to the LGB movement. In short, this

/r/asktransgender Thread