Need help

Yes that’s exactly what I’m trying to say. Every time I have an issue she wants to see me as an enemy. Any type of critique ends horribly. When she puts something out I want to understand her issues because I’m open to change. If something I’m doing is causing her discomfort I want to change it. I don’t mean my personality but bad habits she doesn’t like.

When I said an emotion reaction, I might a change of my facial expressions or a change in the tone of my voice. I do not shout nor can I tolerate being shouted at. I’m completely comfortable with expression, if you’re angry be angry, if you’re upset be upset. I don’t want my partner to suppress anything for my benefit. I want the relationship to last long term.

I’m trying to find a way which I can voice my issues because internalising them will only cause resentment. If this isn’t a possibility, I might unfortunately have to leave. I’m looking for a different approach but I’m honest stuck.

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