I need help beating vetVate Arena

Hasn't been too bad on my stamplar. 5x Deadly, 5x Vicious Ophidian, 1x Ring of the Pale Order, 1x Kra'gh, Maelstrom Bow back bar.

Stam goes Blue->Red->Green. The Magma Queen is pretty easy. You don't even have to worry about the adds really.

The Minotaur can be annoying, mainly due to desyncs and weird glitches that launch me off the platforms.

The last boss isn't too bad. Just need to burn the boss and interrupt flame shapers. You can take down the archer/mages/flame shapers if they give you trouble, but try to do it with aoe and splash damage. Ignore the colossi, they disappear between phases. Save your ulti for the ring of death guys. The key is to always do damage to keep your Pale Order heals up. I usually pop a vigor when I bar swap to reapply buffs and endless hail, but brawler works too. The last phase can get hectic so don't be afraid to use sigils. The hardest part is the ring of death guys. Other enemies, especially colossi, can get in the way and absorb the brunt of your jabs. That's why it's important to target a ring guy immediately. Apply PotL and drop your ulti. It may seem like a waste to drop a dawny on a single add with so many enemies around, but trust me. You want to get as much damage as you can on him before the other adds surround him.

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