Need help climbing as TF.

I used to focus on farming (usually 7cs per min)

If you were focusing on cs and only getting 7 cs/min, that's really bad. That's only half the gold you could be making from your lane phase. And TF has really strong wave clear with his blue card regen, you definitely need to work on that if you want to get gold. I know everyone says gold is bad and isn't hard, but you do have to have the basics down, and csing is the most basic of basics.

I always play with like G5/4/3 and I barely lose my lane so I don't see why i don't deserve atleast G5.

That's a really bad way to think about it, and you're also wrong. TF is supposed to win lane. It's easy for him unless he gets hard countered and ganked a lot. You just shove lanes with q/w and never ending mana, forcing your opponent to cs under turret and missing out on cs. Except you said yourself that your cs is low, so you're definitely doing it wrong, and probably need to watch some videos of good tfs bullying and shoving their lane for the advantage and then roaming like they do.

TF is an early/mid game champ who excels at macro play. You're never going to bring to a 5v5 what most other mid laners can unless you're ridiculously fed. That's just how it is. What you can do is force a lot of 3v2s and 4v2s because of your ult. You need to get that pressure around the map to give your team an advantage, and then you need to keep forcing that advantage to get as many objectives as you can before the other team starts to catch up and force full fights.

Stop thinking you belong in gold. Once you start thinking that way you're no longer trying to get to that level because you think you're already there and so you start blaming your team. STOP BLAMING YOUR TEAM. It's on you. You can't get to gold and you need to do something about it to get better.

Btw, I believe in everything I've typed here, but ignoring that for a second, you've barely played any solo queue this season. 100 games is nothing compared to a lot of people who are trying to climb. Maybe you do belong in gold, but you're going to have to put more time and effort in for it.

/r/summonerschool Thread