I need help to make Desert-Blademasters-Berserkers work.

If I’m being honest this comp really lacks a proper backline in a meta that punishes you for over stacking your front line.

The issue I see here is that most lobbies, your front line will just get glacial’d or CC’d by other means, any poison comps will affect your whole team immediately rather than your backline having a chance to ult before getting it and any Brand ults are gonna manage to shutdown your whole team rather than your backline having a chance to remain untouched. Oh and any 3 star wardens with Warmogs + thornmail will slow your team down quite a bit even with 2 desert.

Also Sivir is trash as a carry, throw Sword Breaker/Hush/Guinsoos on her if you have to for on hit effects but that’s your only option

/r/CompetitiveTFT Thread