Need help from the /r/Smite community!

Which simply isn't true. The message has changed and heavily. It used to be come play and have fun, and there was always a positive message, yes the central focus was no bm, but there really wasn't that "go tell on your friends if they do" attitude.

Over the last few months it's been the opposite. I'm not the only one who noticed either. I have outlined how this could be reversed already, and still maintain your focus. I've detailed this over and over and over, but apparently you won't pay attention to the positives of my message but only the negatives so focus on this last part, because I've said it again and again:

You can remain positive fully and have the same purpose. I've detailed exact wording that could be used, that doesn't change the purpose of the words, but allows for you to maintain a positive attitude in messaging. It allows you to teach and maintain enough discipline. Having the same message every day, with a negative message in there every single day devalues it. Having a different message every few days at least makes it more important, people pay attention, and they are more likely to act.

I've had you oreo and grimmy all come after me today, and not one of you tried taking it from my perspective at all. A truly good leader looks at all perspectives and tries for understanding, you haven't done that once. Oreo has and I respect that.

Lastly I know you won't agree with me, and guess what it doesn't really matter that much beyond this, because I wouldn't ever want to come back to the clan. Look at what you have all done in this post, do you think that anyone coming in unbiased would leave seeing you guys as something good?

You are literally ganging up on me telling me I'm wrong, when I've offered suggestions and criticism. You've pulled in random clan members to help defend you as well. Does that make you feel better?

Do you think anyone who saw this message would think that you were a good leader in any way? Having an idea and goals to accomplish something is great, but a true leader focuses on how to portray that message in a way that will inspire people, not degrade them. I am not your leader, I am your former member telling you that Grimmy's attitude lost me as a member, and in my opinion it weakens your clan if it does not change.

I've said my peace if you actually want to have a discussion about how you could change any of this that's fine. There is zero doubt that the messaging has changed, and if you're honest with yourself you will know it just as well as I do. Your original intent and your intent now may not have changed, but the change in messaging is hurting you. You know I've been a part of the clan since the beginning, and have been on every day pretty much in that time period.

If you don't want to have a discussion about what you could actually change you don't have to respond at all. I will understand and that will be the end of the matter, and this entire chain will disappear from my memory. If you go off on other tangents again I'll simply let you know I saw your post and say good day.

/r/Smite Thread Parent