I need help identifying this.

I don’t know why my other post got deleted.

Information again:

I had sex a week and a half ago. My vagina was in pain because the sex was rough and while I was wet initially, I would get dry from all the friction and rough sex. It did not help that his dick was enormous.

I started feeling symptoms of burning while urinating at the end of the cycle 10 days ago. 8 days ago I felt that my vagina was torn and I had a little lump. 7 days ago I saw two bumps where I initially felt the lump. It spread a little, but I don’t feel anything unless I touch it. When I wipe after using the toilet sometimes there was blood. I dab. The vaginal tear has nearly healed now, and the bumps just started to spread now. It’s been 8 days since the first bumps.

I’ve done lots of research about HSV and I’m not sure if this is the case anymore. The only symptoms I’ve had was the burning piss and these do not irritate me unless I touch it.

I talked to my partners and as far as they know, they are clean and have no symptoms of any sort. They will have an STD check soon and report back. I don’t live in a city where it is easily accessible to get tested. They do not speak English here. I may travel to another city to seek medical attention.

/r/STD Thread Link - i.redd.it