Need Help Improving as Base Tank at Yaka

If I had to bet money.... I would say you’re doing a couple things or not doing.

1: Watch the stacks from, if you’re letting them get to high before you freedom you’ll take a lot of damage. When you freedom it will divide the stacks by two and round down. The reason this is a must know is what’s the difference between freedom at 6 vs 7 vs 8 stacks. You will always get a defensive reset every 5 stacks.

2: As a learner you should be using achto, pay attention when you get an achto reset or when its coming. You will have a cool down counter on screen and if your stacks are high you may be lucky to get back to back freedoms.

Personal preferences from here on: 3: Devotion is your friend. Devotion and then free one the last tick 1-2 based on you ability to time hits. No sense to waste a freedom reset when you are negating all damage.

4: once you feel comfortable watching the counters and knowing the phrasing of the fight, start res/ss flicking. When you get a little more advanced.

5: Try to always favor immortality over case except in two instances. Just before tendrils come up on tendril pool, this is preference but I don’t like immortality here and then I like to Cade the first stun on stun pool. Second stun, always save res on middle pool when he’s poisoned; much bigger res.

/r/runescape Thread